Green and White Louis Vuitton Trainer Green Men's clean kicks Columbus Ohio

Sneaker Cleaning 104: The Why?

What's good, peeps? it's been a minute and we apologize for that. We've been cleanin' kicks, launchin' "The Shoe Box" and workin' to improve the brand. We looked up and months had passed since our last post. Oops!! Our apologies. Anyways, you know most of our posts come from conversations with people. Lately, the question has been "Why would I pay $50 to get my shoes cleaned? I could just buy a new pair.

We've heard it time and time again so we decided to write about it. Through our perspective lens, there's countless benefits to getting your shoes cleaned and/or restored. If we listed them all, this article would take forever to read so we narrowed it down to three. Here we go!

1. Why not just buy a new pair?

That's a great question, homies. Let's talk about it. First of all, inflation is serious lately. The average fast food hamburger has damn near doubled since 2019. Vacations (hotels and accommodations) are exponentially more expensive. Houses. Cars. Cocktails. Name it. It's more expensive. Unfortunately, that includes apparel and shoes. Everything is inflating, but clean kicks is here to save you money.

Check this out. A pair of mid level kicks can range from $80 to $120. An top notch expensive pair ranges from $175 up to whatever you're wiling to pay for your favorite kicks. As opposed to buying new shoes after they get dirty or paint starts to chip, paying to have them cleaned/painted can save you money in the long run.

A Premium Sneaker Treatment 4x's a year costs a total of $200. Can you imagine buying 4 new pair of kicks? You'd be spending anywhere from $320 to at least $750. The math is mathin'. 

2. Your shoes will last longer. 

Getting your shoes cleaned quarterly will extend the life of your shoes for sure. We've stated this in previous posts, but we'll break it down again. How long would your favorite hoodie last if you never washed it? Imagine rockin' the same socks everyday (day after day) and never washing them. Pretty gross, right? We agree. They wouldn't last very long either. Your kicks deserve the same love, peeps.

We know people who clean their kicks after each wear. Hey, we ain't here to judge. We don't necessarily suggest that, but pending on how often you wear the same shoes, a quarterly Sneaker Treatment (shoe cleaning) is highly recommend 

3. We care more than the factory. 

One of our clients gave us a phenomenal compliment a couple months ago. They stated our care and treatment of kicks is guaranteed to be better than the factories they originally come from. We thought about it.. and they're absolutely right. Every pair of kicks that comes through "The Shop" is cleaned or painted by hand, dried naturally and given our 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.

If it's not up to our Premium Standard of cleanliness, the client doesn't pay. We have a hard time believin' the factories can say the same. 

In conclusion, we could go on and on about the benefits of utilizing a Sneaker Treatment (shoe cleaning) service. We think saving money, having them last longer and ensuring they receive some authentic TLC (Tender Lovin' Care) is a great start. We take great pride in treating every pair of kicks as if they're the first pair to come through our doors. We're precise, we're thorough and we really love cleanin' kicks.

Take care, homies. 

Schedule a Sneaker Treatment (shoe cleaning) service today. 

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